Volunteer Corner

Get ready for VITA Latino by using the resources on this page.

VITA Latino 2025 training materials

Updated December 2024

Virtual Volunteer Orientation recording:

Recorded on December 11, 2024.

Volunteer Orientation presentation:

Links and important information

VITA Latino Volunteer roles

Require: Fluent in Spanish, Background check, Volunteer standards of conduct exam, Intake/Interview and Quality review exam.

Responsibilities: Welcome taxpayers, checks appointment and documents, provide intake form, may schedule or confirm appointments.

Require: Fluent in Spanish, Background check.

Responsibilities: Provide information about Buenas Finanzas and our programs.

Require: Background check, Volunteer standards of conduct exam, Intake/Interview Quality review exam and Basic Tax law exam.

Responsibilities: Complete basic tax preparations, complete basic quality reviews.

Require: Background check, Volunteer standards of conduct exam, Intake/Interview Quality review exam and Advanced Tax law exam.

Responsibilities: Complete basic and advanced tax preparations, complete basic and advanced quality reviews.

Training Links

Training PDFs:

- Volunteer standards of conduct to download: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p4961.pdf 

Intake/Interview and Quality review training to download: https://llstaticuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/media/p5101.PDF

- Intake/Interview and Quality Review form to download: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13614c.pdf

Tax law Pub 4491 Training Guide to download (Book format, contains basic, advanced, international, and military courses): https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p4491.pdf  

Reference guide to use at sites (a physical copy will be provided during the in-person training): https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p4012.pdf

Note: Forms 4012 and 4491 contain mostly the same information; however, the objective of Form 4012 is to serve as a reference guide for use at tax preparation sites.

Online learning:

You can access the training information in a self-paced interactive course via Link & Learn Taxes or in PDF format in Publication 4491

Link and learn taxes: https://apps.irs.gov/app/vita/

Practice Lab:

Practice Lab, the practice version of TaxSlayer (the software used to prepare taxes), is used to complete practice and exam scenarios.

The detailed instructions can be found at the bottom of the Link and Learn website, in short:

-Practice lab link https://vita.taxslayerpro.com/IRSTraining   

-On the access page, use the universal password “TRAINPROWEB

- Create an account for training purposes.

- Turn off pop-up blockers to view the training.


Exams and certifications:

All exams are open-book style, and you have two attempts.

Certification tests: https://linklearncertification.com/

- BEFORE TAKING AN EXAM, PLEASE READ Volunteer Tax Alerts: https://www.irs.gov/individuals/quality-and-tax-alerts-for-irs-volunteer-programs  


The questions in the Basic and Advanced certifications can be found in the Volunteer Assistor’s Test/Retest, form 6744: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f6744.pdf

Use the tax law form 4012 as a reference if you are unsure of your answers.

Strongly consider using “check and learn” exams as a practice to check your answers before taking the exams: https://www.vitaresources.net/studyguides.html


Other sources of practice and information:

- All, from videos, slides, and even how to add this experience to your resume: https://www.vitaresources.net/

- Practice quizzes: https://www.vitaresources.net/quizzes.html

- Study Guides: https://www.vitaresources.net/studyguides.html